Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Write Your Book and Have Agents Fighting to Represent It!

I found this compelling flyer at New Frontiers, the "health food" hub of Sedona.

Tom 928.203.0265 to sign up for a 15 minute qualifying interview. He apparently helped Jan Larkey "Thanks for showing me how to get published...300,000 books sold to date."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Movie Review: Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

On Friday January 22, 2010, I had the privilege of attending a screening of this film at an event hosted by the filmmaker, Mark Perlmutter.

In the words of the announcement:

"The real life journey of six McDonalds' munching Diabetics who gave up junk food for 30-days to eat 100% organic vegan. The medical results are amazing. The human story is heart-warming. Interviews include Woody Harrelson, Anthony Robbins, Gabriel Cousens, Michael Beckwith, et al."

For more info on the film please visit:

I had met Mark years ago, around 2003, when I was attending the Tree of Life Rejuvenation center in Patagonia, AZ studying raw food cuisine. I was also under the care of rawfood physician Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

The patients featured in this movie were filmed on-site at the Tree of Life, while they were undergoing treatment for their supposedly "incurable" diabetes. The majority of them adhered to the raw food regimen and got their insulin under control and were diabetes-free in 30 days!

Healthy Phoenix Arizona Food Resources

These are sources I have personally dealt with or recommend based on the experiences of others:

1. Organic Shopping Club, pick up a basket of 15-20 fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 602.550.0330

2. Thai Rama, unique thai restaurant 1221 W. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85013. 602.285.1123

3. If you are looking for USDA organic beef cooked in a deluxe fashion, I recommend deluxe restaurant at 32nd st/camelback., 3146 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85016 tel: 602.522.2288

4. Gourmet Chinese Dive-Bar. Chop and Wok, NW Corner of Shea/Scottsdale Rd., tel: 480.483.1939

5. Authentic Italian food and award-winning pizzas, etc. (This was recommended to me by an Italian chiropractor from the east coast.) Spinatos 12th st/Glendale, Phoenix. 602.277.0088,

6. The Food Bar. Seasonal fresh organic fare plus wine in a classy environment. 7114 E. Stetson Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 480.994.3663

7. Organic Goat Cheese 505.250.8553;;


1. VIBE machine, Steve Yeager Yeager Chiropractic. 480.755.2277

2. In touch chiropractic, 3431 W. Thunderbird Rd. #9, Phoenix, AZ 85053. 602.548.1998.

3. BodyTalk Arizona, Cortical Balancing through balancing the innate intelligence of the brain and body.

4. SWIHA, Southwest Institute for Healing Arts.

5. Acupuncture. Chinese Traditional Therapeutic Center. Peter Paul S. T. Chow

Other non-local resources

The Mate Factor, 119 Third Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, 800.656.3668; 802.712.1040,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Thousands Gather to Experience Croatian Healer's Paranormal Healing Gaze...

by Angelika Whitecliff:

"Thousands of people line up at events across Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and other European nations to see Braco, a Croatian healer who exhibits a paranormal ability to heal with his gaze that is as impressive as any X-Men or 4400 ability.

Science fiction fare has raised the question of super-human abilities and often, as in Steven Spielberg’s popular TV series Taken, raised the question of human evolution through hybridization, an intervention by science or even by extraterrestrials.

I chatted with this super-healer and from our conversations it was clear that he does not work with extraterrestrials, although he does acknowledge their existence.

Instead, Braco is part of a lineage of wisdom deeply embedded in the area of the Balkans that was once the crossroads between the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, a refuge place of the sacred knowledge of many spiritual traditions whose roots trace beyond known civilizations.

Like the modern sage Anastasia of Russia, Braco is an example of natural evolution, a breakthrough beyond the current ceiling that great spiritual leaders such as Sri Aurobindo of India and Mirra Alfassa spoke of in the first half of the twentieth century, proclaiming the arrival of supernal or heavenly man/woman on Earth at this time on our world as an advent to a supra-conscious human being. ..."


Article: Braco: Mystery Gaze of Angel of Transformation

Article: The Lineage of a SuperHealer

Article: Braco - SuperHealing, SuperConsciousness, and UFOs

Article from Examiner: Braco Brings Man Back from Coma with His Gaze

(Credit to Elaine Henwood for forwarding this.)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Your body changing lately? Edgar Cayce channelling Feb 14, 2010 tells you how and why

How are you finding the energies of late? Chaotic and challenging? From my little corner of the world I observe many people, myself included, who are undergoing yet another process of inner growth, and this then is beginning to manifest in the outer reality. We are certainly undergoing rapid transformation on all levels at this point in time. Isn't it exciting to be an active participant in this major shift in human consciousness?

The channeling below is shorter than those I normally send out - and was less than 30 minutes' duration. However, in this channeling the energy of Edgar Cayce addresses the importance of honoring the physical body, and the changes that are taking place within our bodies at this time. As an energy practitioner I see countless clients who are experiencing physical symptoms that are often diagnosed as unexplainable by the medical profession. This is usually due to the fact that the physical symptoms are an indication of energy changes and do not reflect actual physical illness conditions.

On another note, the Sedona Journal of Emergence is now publishing the Edgar Cayce channeling transcripts. I am excited by this fact, as the magazine has an international readership. Check for the latest issue (March 2010).

If this email has been forwarded to you by a friend or email contact, and you would like to be included in future channeling transcript mail-outs, then just email with the words Edgar Cayce Channeling in the subject line.


Bente Hansen

Physical Transformation

This One says it has been a while since she last channeled. That may be the case in your time. For me, it was but a second ago. It is interesting to listen to and to observe your discussion. You are all grappling with many concepts and perceptions of how you feel life is meant to be. And, as always, there is great curiosity about what will be. This is not the time to focus on that. Can you not feel the shifting vibrations within? Can you not feel your body, day by day, shifting and changing? Many, many small cellular changes taking place second by second within you.

Vibratory Changes

Take a look at your body. In what ways is it changing? You talk about feeling the intense vibrations due to the astrological configurations. And, of course, there is no doubt about this. The planetary alignments are absolutely spectacular right now and the reason you are feeling the energies from the planetary alignments that occur with regular progression - as you finish one there is another one and then another one - each of these planetary alignments are working with the harmonics of the universe to create the vibratory shifts that are necessary for each and everyone to make this massive and magnificent transformation.

There is no doubt that this transformation is happening with or without your explicit agreement. As you also have awareness, the more you align with the vibratory changes the more you honor them, the more you work with them, the greater the ease for you. Is this not what I have been speaking of previously? Many times I have spoken about the importance of accepting the new frequencies into your vibration. The more you do this the greater the ease. That is not to say there is not discomfort for you know full well there is. These vibratory changes are bringing up from deep within, embedded memories - memories from all times. These memories are merely energy but they no longer resonate with the new frequencies that are being directed into your bodies.

Because there is a lack of resonance - what is old and no longer serves you, must in some way be released. What I encourage you to do is not focus overly much on the discomfort. By all means acknowledge the discomfort and work to ease it, but do not focus unwarranted attention to it. Instead, be in a state of gratitude for the changes that are occurring.

Heightened Sensitivity

With these vibratory changes to your body you will find heightened sensitivity. This heightened sensitivity will take place in many different areas of your life, depending upon your unique biochemistry. I can guarantee that anything that does not resonate with this new vibration you are holding and the increasing vibrations you are shifting into - anything that does not resonate with it will feel uncomfortable. Take the opportunity to look at every area of your life where you are beginning to feel the changes and then work with those changes.

This shift is not just about becoming more spiritually evolved. If you chose to have that as a focus you might as well go sit on top of a mountain, and spend your days in meditation and prayer. You would still not achieve what it is you came into body to achieve. This is the life time to have a spiritual awakening, and along with that spiritual awakening to match that energy by raising your thought vibrations, by healing emotion vibrations and in particular by shifting your physical vibrations.

This is the one area - shifting the physical vibrations - that many on the spiritual path have difficulty with. Reflect upon the world around you. It is easy to observe those who are deeply engrossed and mired in a lower vibration. Observe their interests, their conversation, their lifestyle and you may say, "That is no longer the lifestyle I choose to be in."

Honoring the Physical Body

But, look closely at yourself. What aspects of that lower vibration are you still attached to? What are the psychological cravings and addictions you still hold for those lower vibrations? It is likely you have one or more psychological addictions or cravings that no longer have any resonance for you, but which you cling to because you like them or they feel good. In order for this shift to occur, the physical body also has to resonate at a much higher frequency. So it is important for the physical body to be viewed and to be honored as a sacred temple - not to be abused, not to be neglected or overlooked but to be honored.

How do you honor your physical body? First of all, listen to it. What is your body telling you when you have discomfort or pain? What is your body saying when you continually exert yourself and it needs rest? What is your body saying when you continue ingesting foods and substances that are not of a high vibration? What is your body telling you when you know fully well there are many toxins in your environment but you choose to not remove them and then replace them with safer alternatives? I could go on and on.

Getting the physical body to a higher vibration is critical during this process. If you do not then there will be extreme discomfort experienced - again and again. What is happening within your physical body as the DNA expands? As all those 'junk' pieces of DNA literally light up and spread the light through every cellular pathway of your body? You become a light body. You hold higher frequencies of light. These impact your cellular structure. They impact the genetic programming you hold. The light changes everything. The light is so strong it literally clears awaythe debris that is stored within the cellular level. As your cellular level changes more and more into a crystalline structure your tolerance for the lower vibrational densities - the chemicals, toxins, additives, sugars and artificial sweeteners - all those things that your body is sensitive to - your body says 'no more, no more'. You will turn away from all that is harmful to your body.

During this time of great cellular change exercise is important. Here I refer to just not exercising the mind but to actually exercising the physical body on the days when you have the energy. I stress this - on the days when you have the energy! The changing of the cellular structure requires great energy from within. There is every likelihood you will have days, possibly weeks or even months when you will feel very tired and where your greatest desire will be to do very little or even nothing.

If that is the case, honor your body and ensure your intake of pure water is of regular consistency. In other words, drink a lot of pure water and avoid those substances that are unhealthy for you. Take the rest when it is needed. Then when you begin to feel as though you are ready for exercise, take exercise that stretches your body, allow yourself to breathe in such a way that circulates life enriched oxygen through your blood stream. You are no longer in an age of your evolution where it is necessary to exercise to such an extent that you become drained, and where excessive strain is placed upon the organs. That is another form of abuse of the body. Gentle harmonious exercise that ensures copious quantities of oxygen circulating in your blood is of vital importance. This will help you during the change. And for those who enjoy rambles in the woods, that is perfect. It is the ideal exercise. Being outdoors is preferable to exercising indoors.

It is indeed quite a transformative process that you are undergoing. I urge you to pay more attention to your physical body's functioning. Not so that you are to become neurotic around every little pain or discomfort, but instead learn to become in a state of awe at the process that is taking place within you. As your cellular structure changes into a higher crystalline form so too you will find other changes occurring. The crystalline form within will become dominant. In cases where you undergo medical assessments that crystalline structure will be apparent on medical testing equipment.

Physical Rejuvenation

What does this mean to you as you change in your physiology? The factors that place stress upon your physiology will no longer impact you. Your body is undergoing a process of rejuvenation. Regardless of your physical age you will find yourself actually becoming more youthful. The years you have spent in your physical body will begin to fade away as you begin to recover a spring in your step, a strong vitality and a youthful outlook.

In addition, many of the common ailments that have plagued society will no longer impact you. The common cold, influenzas, virus, bacteria, fungi - they will not cause you harm when your body is fully crystalline. As you find there is no need to go to doctors so frequently your focus will then shift from a disease based model to one of health maintenance. During this time, as you are going thru this process, if you are not overly tired from it, be as active as is possible. Undertake as many physical activities as you can.

Allow your body to feel the joy of being more youthful. Allow your body to have the experience of muscles moving as they are meant to. Feel your lung capacity, once again, expanding rather than constricting. Through all this, in going into a crystalline structure, there is a process of blood thinning that takes place. The blood thins; rather than the viscosity becoming denser it actually thins, thereby allowing the circulation of the cardiovascular and lymph systems to be as healthy as that of a person many years younger. There is much to look forward to in your physical body during this time of change.

While you may aspire to do the spiritual work, the scope of the information I provide today encourages you to take particular heed of the physiology you hold. It is your physical body that will take you through this change. Work with it. Come to know it intimately rather than just trusting that the physical body will take care of itself. No, it will not. This is your responsibility. I thank you.

(c) Bente Hansen, 2010

Edgar Cayce Channelings!
I have been a clear channel for beings of Light since the mid-nineties. Since that time I have channeled many different light beings, including the Arcturians, Council of Elders, Kuan Yin, Ascended Masters, Ashtar, and many other evolved beings. Please note that I do not claim to channel Edgar Cayce - but rather that I channel the soul energy of the being that embodied as Edgar Cayce. That is a very important point. In many instances it is expected that I should also be an expert on the life and work of Edgar Cayce - I am not, nor have I been drawn to extensively study the magnificent volume of information he brought forth during his lifetime. I accept that the energy I channel is that of Edgar, and in many instances he refers to himself as 'Edgar' - that is merely for the purposes of identification!

In many instances when channeled information is presented there is a great deal of emphasis on spiritual growth along with a focus on what life will be like once humanity has made the shift into expanded consciousness in 2012. I have found that the Edgar Cayce channeling focuses more on what needs to be done now in order to create this shift. As well, his information focuses on providing clear and insightful commentary on the changes that we are likely to experience - on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The information in his channelings is practical and relevant to the changing times.

From what I've come to understand - now is the time to integrate our spiritual awareness and knowledge into our physical reality. We are here to create a veritable 'heaven on Earth', which we are doing as we apply spiritual teachings to all areas of our life! Edgar's channelings are geared to helping us become more proficient at being spiritual energy fully embodying in physical reality. When we raise our physical, emotional and mental vibrations to match our spiritual vibrations then we achieve a fully integrated and balanced state. The journey is no longer merely about becoming spiritually aware - it is about becoming balanced in all areas!

Extending many blessings - Bente Hansen

Monday, February 22, 2010

Are you a Genius or a Dolt? Fascinating Answers to Your Questions about IQ

How are the estimates for famous people made?

The main source for the estimates is a study made by a group of psychologists at Stanford University, California. Its origin is from 1926, but it has been revised a couple of times. The last time, is by Dr. Catherine Morris Cox in The Mind, Life Science Library Series, 1964.

The rest is from various sources: Encyclopedia Britannica, Guinness Book of Records, Popular Science (Swedish magazine), Daily News (Swedish newspaper), professors in Mathematics, a comparing study between the geniuses of their centuries in Mensa Research Journal, Buzan, etc.

The estimates are what they are - just estimates. They can't of course be justified.

Is it possible to increase our intelligence?

It is. But with how much depends to a large extent on your age. The younger you are, the more you can improve your scores. With intellectual training, especially with help of a repertoire of problem solving methods and approaches, and practice with IQ-tests, it is possible to score 5 - 10 points, perhaps up to one standard deviation, better on these tests.

However there is no intrinsic value on scoring high on IQ-tests if it's not coupled with true and significant improvement in intelligence, which is not a necessary consequence of IQ-test related training! Intelligence is too complex for that.

What is the Average I.Q. of each profession?
Approximate Percentiles and Intelligence Quotients (Terman) of Job Applicants

Percentile range

IQ range
Professor, Chief Executive Officer 77 - 98 112 - 132
Doctor, Writer, Computer Specialist, Graduate Engineer 69 - 96 108 - 129
Administrator, Engineer, Personnel Specialist, Medical Secretary 62 - 94 105 - 126
Department Head, General Manager, Insurance Sales Representative, Programmer, Underwriter 57 - 93 103 - 124
Claims Adjuster, Inspector, Laboratory Technician, Management Trainee, Purchasing Agent, Supervisor 53 - 91 101 - 122
Accounting Clerk, Computer Operator, Sales Representative 48 - 88 99 - 119
Bookkeeper, Cashier, Data Processing Clerk, Draughtsman, News Writer, Stenographer, Traffic Clerk 43 - 83 97 - 116
Circulation Manager, Customer Service Representative, Electrician, Foreman, General Office Lineman, Office Machine Operator, Receptionist, Technician, Teller 34 - 79 93 - 113
Apprentice, Shop Clerk, Clerk Typist, Reservations Agent, Typist 26 - 75 88 - 111
Keypunch Operator, Messenger, Meter Reader, Police Patrolman, Skilled Trades, Train Crew Personnel 26 - 71 88 - 110
Bus/Truck Driver, Machine Operator, Mail Clerk, Maintenance Worker, Printing Pressman, Utility Man, Traffic Supervisor 22 - 67 86 - 107
Food Service Worker Helper, General Mechanic's Helper, Shipping Clerk 16 - 67 83 - 107
File Clerk, Material Handler, Telephone Operator 16 - 62 83 - 105
Assembler, Factory Worker, General Labourer, Skilled Labour, Unskilled Labour 12 - 57 81 - 103
Custodian, Nurse's Aide, Packer, Warehouseman 10 - 55 79 - 102
Casual Worker 5 - 43 74 - 97
Institutional 0.1 - 4 49 - 72
Median earned income in 1992 for...
Very Bright (125+) $36,000
Bright (110-124) $27,000
Normal (90-109) $20,000
Dull (75-89) $12,400
Very Dull (less than 75) $5,000

Are men more intelligent than women?

There isn't a chart displaying the differences in IQ between males and females. But there has been an investigation indicating that females are more frequent in the "normal" genius range (150 - 170), and males in the high genius range (>170). IQ tests often favor males a bit, as they in average are slightly better at mathematical thinking. This lack by the females is, in general, in real life compensated by better verbal ability.

However, it is not especially wise to assert that one gender is more intelligent than the other. If anything, male and female intelligence differ somewhat in its nature, not in its power.

What is the average IQ?

Most IQ tests are normed for a definite population so that the average IQ will lie between 90 and 110 (with the mean 100) on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.

However, an individual scoring at 100 within one population can score above or below that value within another population.

For example, the Japanese are supposed to have the highest average IQ in the world (115 St-Bin). I.e. compared to a calculated mean for the world. Still they have only an average of 100 within their own population.

Who is the smartest person that ever lived?

According to Guiness Book of Records, the smartest person in the world is Marilyn vos Savant who scored IQ 228 Terman as a 10 year old. This would, according to recent research, correspond to about IQ 185 at adult age. That score is, at least, surpassed by the chess player Bobby Fisher (187).

No one knows who is the smartest person that ever lived, that is for sure. But some psychologists believe that William James Sidis reached the maximum capacity possible for a human. The same may apply for eg., the seer of visions, Emanuel Swedenborg, who was so intelligent that he turned mad in the later part of his life.

In the Buzan's Book of Mental World Records, the highest IQ score ever attained is assigned to the history's greatest universal genius Leonardo da Vinci. The estimate is a nearly unbelievable adult IQ of 220 St-Bin!

If the Japanese are the most intelligent of us, why haven't I heard about any genius from there?

Our world is very influenced by the Western culture. There is no evidence that there has been an abundance of geniuses in Europe compared to other parts of the world. But Europe has for a long time in the past been regarded as an intellectual centrum, with a stimulating atmosphere for great minds. One must remember that it is not enough to be a genius for achieving results of epoch-making importance. The genius must improve his mind, be challenged, and be given the opportunity to learn up to his/her potential.

A high average IQ for a nation doesn't automatically mean that there are more geniuses in that nation, as the composition of the population can be very diverse.

Japan have had and have geniuses. We can, for example, mention their Nobel Prize Winners:

* Hideki Yukawa, Physics 1949
* Sin-Itira Tomonaga, Physics 1965
* Yasunari Kawabata, Literature 1968
* Leo Esaki, Physics 1973
* Eisaku Sato, Piece 1973
* Fukui Kenichi, Chemistry 1981
* Susumi Tonegawa, Medicine 1987
* Kenzaburo Oe, Literature 1994
* Hideki Shirakawa, Chemistry 2000

Is it possible for a person with average intelligence to be a Doctor or Computer Programmer?

The intellectual ability is not the most important when choosing a job. More essential is to have a profile of talent matching what is needed for the particular job. If we, for example, compare a computer programmer and a doctor in medicine, we can see that the demands are quite different.


LINGUISTIC ABILITY Above Average Above Average
CONTACT ABILITY Above Average Very Good
TASTE Above Average Below Average

You should not worry however; The famous Nobel Prize Winner Francis Crick (The man who found the structure for DNA) had only an IQ of 115! So, with hard and dedicated work it is possible to compensate for a lack in intelligence.

What relationship exists between IQ and heredity?

Many different types of experiments have been made showing that the heritage is of great importance. Actually, it is possible to make a numerical estimate of the distribution between heritage and environment (for the current Western world):

80% of the factors influencing intelligence are hereditary.

20% of the factors influencing intelligence are environmental.

That is, the heritage is four times as important as the environment.

What famous people living today have the IQ levels between 140 to 200?

The following are scores according to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale for Adults (Within 1st parenthesis; score if not on a 10 points level):

IQ 140

Madonna (Singer)
Jean M. Auel (Author)
Geena Davis (Actress)

IQ 150

Sharon Stone (154) (Actress)
Carol Vorderman (154; Cattell?) (TV presenter)
Sir Clive Sinclair (159) (Inventor)

IQ 160

Bill Gates (CEO, Microsoft)
Jill St. John (Actress)
Paul Allen (160+, Microsoft cofounder)
Stephen W. Hawking (160+) (Physicist)

IQ 170

Andrew J. Wiles (Mathematician; solved Fermat's Last Theorem)
Judith Polgar (Formula based; Female World Champion in Chess)

IQ 180

James Woods (Actor)
John H. Sununu (Chief of Staff for President Bush)
Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister)
Marilyn Vos Savant (186) (Author)
Bobby Fischer (187) (Former World Champion in Chess)

IQ 190

Philip Emeagwali (Extrapolated; Nigerian Mathematician)

IQ 200

Kim Ung-Yong (S. Korea; Showed similar child capabilities as J.S. Mill)

What exactly is a bell curve (definition please) and what does it measure?

Like many other human qualities, intelligence is 'normally' distributed. I.e. if we put people into 'intelligence' classes according to how bright they are, there will be a large number near the average. These will tail off in the typical Gaussian or Bell curve (called so, because of its curved flaring shape), as people do for height or weight or any other human quality.

The Bell curve was derived from the theory of errors. It is the kind of curve produced by examining the variations of measurements of entities affected by a large number of random variables. The curve is in many cases an assumption; that we will assume a normal distribution (Bell curve) until evidence to the contrary is found.

With any complicated entity like a human being there are more things that can render it imperfect than there are things that can improve it.

The Normal Distribution Function below, gives the tail area within the interval [0,z], which can be expressed as a percentile (part of the area to the right of the center of the Bell curve). Erf is often called the Error Function.

What month have the most geniuses been born?

According to a recent investigation the most geniuses have been born in Mars and April. So it seems best to be born in the springtime.

(The same investigation states that the fewest geniuses are born in August and September)

Is it possible to give one a IQ score, based on his handwriting?

It is hard to believe that someone can estimate IQs only after judging the person's hand-writing. Nevertheless, one can find it probable that it is possible to say if he/she is extraordinary intelligent or not.

It is interesting to compare the signatures (see below) between a great genius such as G.W. von Leibniz and a typical average person such as a certain Tom Smith. Where Leibniz's signature shows a proof of elegance, and efficient and fast pen wielding, so is Smith's merely awkward and unrhythmic. Striking is also the harmony in Leibniz's signature, even from a geometrical point of view (On both sides of a thought horizontal center line in the middle of the signature, you can create two symmetrical asymptotic curves!).

Is it possible to measure beauty as it is with intelligence?

Everyone knows that the ideal of beauty has changed throughout history. But a group of psychologists has tried to take the measurements on the most perfect face. They showed thousands of photos before different persons and ended up in a female and male ideal face with the most perfect proportions and qualities. Only one female face and one male face seemed to satisfy all the requirements.

So, these two persons below should be the most beautiful female and male today as science see it!
Catherine Deneuve
Catherine Deneuve Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio

Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, It is safe to say that one's looks have no effect on their mental abilities.

Which breeds of dog and cat are the most intelligent?

Often mentioned as the most clever dog is the sheep dog, and among the cats, the Siamese cat. It should not be applicable with the human-related IQ values for animals, nevertheless it has been estimated by some researchers that the most intelligent dogs score close to 40, and the most intelligent cats around 20.

Who have been the criminals or villains of history with the highest IQ's?

It is rumoured that the mafia leader Al Capone had an IQ of 200. An example of a criminal with a verified exceptional intelligence (IQ 170, at age 10) is the Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski. He was a successful researcher in mathematics before he turned against the society. Other famous high IQ scorers among the criminals are Richard Loeb (child iq 160) and Nathan Leopold (child iq 210) at the beginning of the 20th century.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mata Amritanandamayi Center (or M. A. Center) San Ramon, CA

Mata Amritanandamayi Center (or M. A. Center)
10200 Crow Canyon Road
Castro Valley, CA 94552 USA
Tel: 510.537.9417 Fax: 510.889.8585

The Sanskrit term darshan means, "vision", and it is used to describe the meeting with a holy person, especially a Self Realized master. Amma's darshan in unique. As the embodiment of supreme motherhood, she welcomes every person who comes to her, listens to his or her problems, offers advice and guidance, and brings reassurance to a troubled heart.

Over time, Amma's popularity has risen to the point where in India she has been known to individually hug over 50,000 people in one day, sitting sometimes for over 20 hours. Amma travels all around the world to receive all her children around the globe.

Timothy Conway, Ph.D., author of the book Women of Power and Grace, describes Amma as "one of the most glorious lights to appear in the history of religion. Just her stamina - embracing these millions of people one by one, day after day, without a break, all over the world-is some kind of divine gift. No mere human resources could accomplish this."

As Judith Cornell, an internationally acclaimed speaker, and an award winning writer, in her book, "Amma Healing the Heart of the World", says, "for eleven years, I had simply perceived Amma, as a sweet "Hugging Saint." As my limited vision expanded, it was awesome to discover that Amma was one of India's most illustrious sages. She heals on a massive scale - Far beyond that of any saint or healer, I had ever known or read about."

One of Amma's senior disciples says, "Mother is an extraordinary saint, in the number of people she intentionally instills spirituality into - even to extent of hugging every single person who comes to her. Basically, every one is potentially what Mother is. Mother's presence is invoking that reality (of divinity) within that person."

Friday, February 12, 2010

What to Expect During 2010: Revelations

Here is what Terry Nazon, highly respected astrologer states for 2010:

The Sisterhood Consciousness, The Year of Giving, The Year of the Hero

The Astrology Revolution ™

Each year we look forward with anticipation and hope wondering what does the New Year hold? Some very Interesting planetary alignments herald in 2010. Many of which will underscore the discontent we all feel, but that is more poignantly felt by certain members of society, our weakest links, and those truly victimized. The Lunar eclipse in the sign of Cancer that ushers in the New Year on New Years Eve foretells of this. Families, mothers, women, single mothers, and children feel the effects of economic struggles first. This doesn't suggest passive acceptance, to the contrary the Lunar Eclipse that heralds in 2010 along with both Mercury and Mars retrograde suggest a growing resistance that seemingly comes out of no where. Making 2010 the Year of the Woman! The fight for children and the family sits securely on the shoulders of women in 2010. This doesn't suggest passive acceptance, to the contrary the Lunar Eclipse that heralded in 2010 along with both Mercury and Mars retrograde suggest a growing resistance that seemingly comes out of no where. Making 2010 the Year of the Woman! A year when women unite in a sisterhood of sorts.

The fight against injustice and the rights of the down trodden and weak take hold with the Saturn-Pluto squares throughout the year that make 2010 another year of political, financial and sexual scandals. The battle against good and bad is in our face, our backyard, it's everywhere. These same squares make everyone fight for the rights of others, take sides, pitch in and help out. There will be a call to arms if you will, with Jupiter in Pisces our hearts are open to give, to help out, to sacrifice our selfish desires, and pitch in. Injustice is met with a helping hand in 2010. Jupiter in Pisces makes 2010 also the year of giving. A year od self sacrifice, unconditional love, giving when we have no more to give, faith in what is good and looking inward at ourselves is what makes 2010 a turning point year. The fight against injustices and the willingness to help others and give of ourselves is what's ahead in 2010. Will we see injustices? Yes we will. Will we idly stand by and let them continue? Not in 2010; the year or the Woman, and The year of the Hero.

The Lunar eclipse in Cancer of Dec 31st was unusual because it is closer to the Earth, and the Moon is in its own sign, making its effects powerful. Full Moons have a tendency of being very emotional and bringing to a head anything that we have been keeping inside. Be careful for accidents as many could be more accident prone, but more importantly be careful of pushing people who are already stressed out over the edge. Emotions are charged and that little bit of champagne on New Years eve could be the trigger. There's no doubt that this eclipse could predict the death of a prominent female in the months afterward.

Through 2012 we are of course in a cycle where spiritual changes are dominating and we are forced to let go of materialism as we knew it. We are in a new spiritual cycle of growth and change. We may not be cognizant of it but that's what's happening. When you are in the middle of change you don't always know what's going on. 2010 could see many new and exciting scientific breakthroughs, cures and many "firsts that will help us evolve and take us into the future. Additionally we could see economical or ecological disasters that affect masses of people the likes of which history are made of. Whenever economics and personal finances take a turn downwards an opportunity for great spiritual growth rises, and that comes with its own new blessings. Like the yin and yang symbol when economics are on top spiritual growth suffers when economics take a turn the opportunity for spiritual growth and change predominates, the new -New Age Phenomena is here!

Whenever we have the outer planets aspecting each other we have situations on planet Earth that affect masses of people, natural disasters and evtns that seem to happen suddenly and unexplainably. This began with the Saturn-Uranus oppositions which trigger the social, revolution of the 60's. Was it a time of turmoil, of course it was. The 60's changed the world as we know and caused a "revolution". The woman's liberation movement was sparked by this aspect too. The 60's changed the mass consciousness, and gave birth to a new spiritual awakening. The aspects now are just as volatile for mass uprisings to occur. How volatile, peaceful or bloody could be dependent on the Sun Spot cycle and it's effects on our collective consciousness. We know that the Sun spot cycle has been at an all time low, but that could change and change abruptly. If it changes in the 2nd half of the year 2010 and becomes more active, like it's supposed to the collective thought and masses arise. The Earth becomes volatile.

January 18th , Jupiter the planet of luck enters Pisces and our idealism and interest in giving and philanthropy increases. Jupiter in Pisces might bring the death of a hugely popular figure and worldwide mourning. Keep a check on yourself for idleness though. In February Jupiter in Pisces aspects both Saturn in Libra and Mars in Leo. This aspect is known as the finger of God, or the Yod. Since both signs Leo and Libra can be a bit lazy at times, this Yod channels the unproductive energy into daydreaming, or better charitable causes. Many people don't easily fit into a 9-5 job and need a more artistic or spiritual outlet anyways and this Yod could show them the way. As Jupiter enters the sign of Pisces the philanthropist, we will all realize that no matter how tough times are we should still make sure no child goes hungry, abandoned or abused. Caring will become vogue once again. No matter what country you are in this is a problem throughout the world. The South Node is transiting Cancer, hunger; world hunger will be in the news again.

Uranus the planet of volatility enters where it transitied March -April 1929, and then again in Dec 1929 Dec 1931, the depth of the American Great Depression. That doesn't mean we are facing another Great Depression, Uranus has been in Aries before and there was no Great Depression. To the contrary we could rise up through the energy created by Saturn in Libra another cardinal sign and Pluto in Capricorn and use this great energy potential to overcome the odds individually, collectively or both. It's up to us.

Later in the year Jupiter enters Aries and joins Uranus creating a time of rapid change. We all want faster cars, computers, cell phones and gadgets with more speed and power in samller and smaller packages and we are sure to get them this year. Advances will come so fast it will be like the Techie age all over again. High tech and nano tech take off in 2010!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way...Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities 1859

Releasing Fears or Needs Prayer

Early January 2010, I found myself agitated over something a person I cared about said to me. I still don't know her exact intentions in saying what she said. But it agitated me. And bothered me for days, weeks even.

So I asked my dear friend Judith, the owner of A Peace of the Universe bookstore at Shea/Scottsdale in Scottsdale, AZ. She spoke wisdom. She said I cannot control what another says, only my reaction to it. And more importantly, if I am reacting so severely to it, then there is a "piece" for me to work on.

Those who are closest to us, she explained, have the greatest power to affect our state of mind. Especially when we have done a lot of work on ourselves, and are spiritually developed, often not much from the outer world "gets" to us. As we evolve spiritually we may feel more peace of mind than ever, and it is harder to disturb.

Enter someone near and dear to us.

So here's the prayer. Say this to out loud, to yourself, before you go to sleep. It gives your unconscious and other-than-conscious parts of your mind the opportunity to work on it:

"Consciously, I am aware that I have this fear of [insert your comment] or this need of [insert], and that through the gift of my free will, God, which you gave me, I am gifting this over to you.

If you want to show me where in my cellular self this is being held or where it came from, show me in my dreams tonight and give me the wisdom to heal it."

I said this several days in a row before going to sleep. I remember having vivid dreams. Several days later I palpably noticed a positive improvement. I thought about the same incident and the charge was lost.

Turns out that there was a piece of self-love that I was missing-- a part of me still wanted and perhaps even "needed" to be spoken to gently and be loved and approved of -- so her words hit that wound like an arrow.

What was even more interesting is that i let go of that piece, and gave the situation some distance, I reconnected with this person and experienced a greater lightness and harmony in the connection.

Here's another example of how this works. A friend of mine said she had a fear every time her husband left to go to work. He was a police officer. She had a fear of losing him. She used this prayer and in the process discovered that she was afraid of losing him, as she had lost him in a (presumed) "past life." During that period in history there was no internet or phone, etc. so he went off to battle and never returned. That longing and fear lingered into the present for her, and that present moment experience reactivated that fear.