Friday, February 12, 2010

Releasing Fears or Needs Prayer

Early January 2010, I found myself agitated over something a person I cared about said to me. I still don't know her exact intentions in saying what she said. But it agitated me. And bothered me for days, weeks even.

So I asked my dear friend Judith, the owner of A Peace of the Universe bookstore at Shea/Scottsdale in Scottsdale, AZ. She spoke wisdom. She said I cannot control what another says, only my reaction to it. And more importantly, if I am reacting so severely to it, then there is a "piece" for me to work on.

Those who are closest to us, she explained, have the greatest power to affect our state of mind. Especially when we have done a lot of work on ourselves, and are spiritually developed, often not much from the outer world "gets" to us. As we evolve spiritually we may feel more peace of mind than ever, and it is harder to disturb.

Enter someone near and dear to us.

So here's the prayer. Say this to out loud, to yourself, before you go to sleep. It gives your unconscious and other-than-conscious parts of your mind the opportunity to work on it:

"Consciously, I am aware that I have this fear of [insert your comment] or this need of [insert], and that through the gift of my free will, God, which you gave me, I am gifting this over to you.

If you want to show me where in my cellular self this is being held or where it came from, show me in my dreams tonight and give me the wisdom to heal it."

I said this several days in a row before going to sleep. I remember having vivid dreams. Several days later I palpably noticed a positive improvement. I thought about the same incident and the charge was lost.

Turns out that there was a piece of self-love that I was missing-- a part of me still wanted and perhaps even "needed" to be spoken to gently and be loved and approved of -- so her words hit that wound like an arrow.

What was even more interesting is that i let go of that piece, and gave the situation some distance, I reconnected with this person and experienced a greater lightness and harmony in the connection.

Here's another example of how this works. A friend of mine said she had a fear every time her husband left to go to work. He was a police officer. She had a fear of losing him. She used this prayer and in the process discovered that she was afraid of losing him, as she had lost him in a (presumed) "past life." During that period in history there was no internet or phone, etc. so he went off to battle and never returned. That longing and fear lingered into the present for her, and that present moment experience reactivated that fear.

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