Friday, March 27, 2009

BigDaddy's 108th post-birthday appearance at Raw Spirit Festival

September 26-27, 2009, Prescott, AZ.

Dr. Bernando "Big Daddy" LaPallo, who will be a ripe age 108, will appear at the Raw Spirit Festival, accompanied by raw food and conscious living promoter. Together they will speak on the secrets of living a happy and healthy life well past 100.

LaPallo was born August 17, 1901 in Victoria, Brazil. He attributes his amazing longevity primarily to healthy diet habits especially eating on time, not eating too much, and eating primarily raw, vegan, organic foods.

Bernando will have his books available, as well as a mailing list for signing up for a free book. As well, Kasian and Lapallo are working on a new superfood formulation and samples may be available for purchase.

On Monday March 23, 2009, Kasian met and dined with Happy Oasis, the Chief Visionary Officer of the "world's leading healthy-living raw vegan eco-peace celebration". Together they discussed promotions and future appearances and mutually beneficial collaborations.

Hurry, spaces are limited! For more information or to register, click the link here:

Kasian and LaPallo were invited to call in to Happy Oasis's radio show based in Prescott, AZ. The date of this appearance is 28 April 2009, at approx 8PM PST.

We look forward to seeing you at the festival!

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